Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Celebrate every day

Had been thinking about this since yesterday. Why do we celebrate Women's Day? Searched on the web. Got some answers. Apparently somewhere in 1900s around 15000 women marched through the NY city demanding for voting rights, equal pay and shorter working hours (I don’t know why was that demanded, but anyways). Following year, that day was declared to be observed as International Women’s Day.

After reading this, I am surprised that apart from voting rights in many countries, other demands still are to be met. In fact, the number of demands have rather increased. Demand for equality, respect, security, freedom… Respect at home, respect at workplace, respect for an entrepreneur, respect if woman wants to take up an offbeat route of life. The reason for starting to celebrate this day might be noble but it really does not help. Organizing fun women oriented events on one particular day of the year and then beat them up emotionally, physically and mentally on all other days.

In fact, on this particular day there are lakhs of women around the world who are still being oppressed. I am not against the fact to celebrate a day but only for day is not what it should be. Every individual – man or woman, boy or a girl deserves to be celebrated every single day. Every year we wonder if there is any Men’s Day as well. Google it. It says 19th November. How many of us know that? Handful.

It’s the mindset of the people which needs to be changed – men-women alike. There are women who wants to kill an embryo or an infant if it’s a girl. There are educated men who works in corporates with female colleagues but still thinks that they (females) are not capable enough to compete with us (males) and feel jealous if they get promoted – the boss might have got some favors from her or she might have done some extra boot licking to get the promotion. There are parents who still don’t want to send their girls to school or higher studies because they have ultimately to be married off. There are people who still does not hesitate even for a moment to pass ugly remarks and stares to women or raise their hands on them. Lot of women drive cars and bikes, yet if we see a female driving a car, all sorts of jokes are cracked – hope you have the license. How many accidents you have done? Let me pray while you drive. Eyes and mouths open wide if you see a girl riding a bulky bike. And talk about Women Empowerment campaign – many women are misusing the laws made to protect them to blackmail or extort money. We talk about equality but still fight if men do not vacate a seat ‘reserved’ for females (I am not talking about pregnant ladies).

You can’t become ‘Fragile Gender’ as per occasion or situation. Apart from the basic genetic and physical differences which are there between men and women, if you believe you are equal, you are equal always.

I know I am dreaming or talking about the perfect – and so, impossible – world. But respect for each and every living being is what is required, rather than specific days to celebrate and salute each role – Women, Men, Mother, Father, Daughter, Valentines and what not. I find it very awkward to utter those three words to my Mom and Mom-in-Law - Happy Mothers’ Day. Why should I consciously make that one day special for her? Same way, why should I be treated with respect and congratulated on this one day out of 365 days of the year? On our social networks daily we see so many quotes and videos made to show some beautiful messages to respect females, to love your mothers, parents, and babies. All of us Like them and Share them. How many of us have actually changed ourselves because of those videos or messages?

I say, celebrate those specific days but continue the celebration throughout the year. And don’t forget to celebrate Men’s Day too. They also deserves to be celebrated.