Last day at office...
No, neither am I quitting this job, nor has my boss given me the pink slip. Its the last day at office as Ms. Nikita Mathur. As I leave today for my hometown, I will be back to office as Mrs. Nikita Mathur.
Since its the last day, I am officially happy not to work and my boss is also congratulating me and didn't seem very happy to know that I would be joining back only after 25 days. Sent the official invitation and my mail box is continuously receiving Congratulations mails and few south indian colleagues are quite eager to know how a North Indian wedding goes about, is Rajasthan and Jaipur actually dry, will I wear lehenga or the saree, how heavy it is... And few recently married friends are not Congratulating me, rather with grim expressions are conveying me that “I am getting married... Have reached almost the end of my happy life...” and everyone is confirming if I can feel the butterflies in my tummy. Even if I was not feeling, thanks to these very cute friends and relatives, I have started feeling at-least hundreds of them in my tummy now. Mom is eagerly waiting for me to reach there, not for anything else, but to complete the work that she has kept for me as pending.
Yesterday had the last dinner together with Nimit in our courtship period after venturing in almost close to 30 restaurants and eating joints in Bangalore in last 3.5 months. “Courtship period”- always felt it as a term to be spent in Jail after being ordered by the “court”. Finally would be able to meet him on 11th February 2010 only. Sigh !!!!!!!
Anyways... Hope everything goes off well... See you after many days...
best of luck for ur upcoming period of life